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2024 World Veterinary Day

Under the theme “Veterinarians are key players in healthcare"

World Veterinary Day 2024 (April 27) is the perfect opportunity to raise awareness of the work carried out in clinics, farms and stables. The conference room of the Centre regional delegation for livestock, fisheries and animal industries in Mvog-Betsi was the setting for this commemoration.

It was chaired by Minepia IG Philippe Didier Engamba, representing the Minister on the last Saturday in April, to exchange views with public and private players on this central theme. In his welcoming remarks, the President of the National Order of Veterinarians of Cameroon set the scene by outlining the history of this day and the evolution of this profession in our country since 2013 when it joined the international body. He hailed the progress made, with the presence of veterinarians in many decision-making spheres, such as the Zoonosis program, as indicators of the global health approach known as “One Health”.

For Dr Didier Philippe Engamba, this celebration highlights the veterinary contribution to animal health, veterinary public health and animal welfare. The themes are designed to guide reflection on the future of the veterinary profession. This year's theme is particularly important, given the threats to public health posed by emerging and re-emerging zoonoses, antimicrobial resistance and the risks associated with the sanitary quality of foodstuffs of animal and fish origin.

Today, it is acknowledged that 60% of human pathogens are of animal origin, while 75% of emerging animal diseases are likely to be transmitted to humans. Against this backdrop, Cameroon's veterinarians must continue to play their role as the first line of defence in protecting the health of the population.


Dr Garga Gonne, Director of Veterinary Services at Minepia

« This day, which has been held since 2000, gives us the opportunity to discuss the various themes likely to continue to promote and improve animal production. The theme of this year's event is: “Veterinarians are key players in health”. This theme highlights the important role played by veterinarians in the fight against animal diseases, but also in the prevention of public health through the fight against zoonoses, which are diseases transmissible from animals to humans and vice versa. They are also involved in food health inspection, to ensure food safety and provide consumers with soluble foodstuffs. ».

Dr Albert Ichakou, President of the Cameroon Order of Veterinarians

« In our country, there are three training schools, and we currently have almost 1,200 veterinary nurses regularly registered with the Order of Nurses, and present in most or all of the country's départements. Production strongholds are those with the highest density of vets, because we need to bring service closer to livestock farmers. As the Director of Veterinary Services so aptly put it, when we diagnose disease in animals and that disease is contained and treated, it means that humans are spared. The fact that we inspect foodstuffs also goes in this direction. We fight particularly against the major (zoonoses) but common diseases, it's the role of the veterinarian upstream to diagnose and treat these diseases to avoid contamination of humans. We also treat pets, and the well-being of these animals is of paramount importance to their owners. ».


Clément Noumsi

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