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20th May marked a bloody day in the Boyo division, Northwest region.

The mayor of Belo and his two deputies were shot dead this Monday, May 20th, during the national Unity Day celebration, according to a communication from the pro-secessionist Ambazonia communication network. The mayor's assassination was announced this Monday by the separatist leader Chuo Ayaba Lucas on X.

According to other sources, including RFI, the attack reportedly claimed two victims, the mayor and the basic education district delegate of Belo.

Even though during his interview at the Unity Palace reception on May 20, 2024, the Head of State didn't mention it, he still paid tribute to the six soldiers killed in the Southwest a few days ago, while reminding these groups of outlaws that the state's order will be upheld by all means.

Stay tuned for more updates.

Clément Noumsi

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