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2nd Edition of Islamic Finance Days in the CEMAC zone

The lanterns went out this Wednesday, April 24, 2024 on the CEMAC days to make way for training.

It is with the delivery of certificates of participation that the promoter of the Islamic finance days closed this first part on Mount Nkolnyada in the city of seven hills.

The overall objective of this International Forum on Islamic Finance was to raise awareness among CTDs of understanding Islamic finance by offering them a new vision of financing short, medium and long-term projects via Islamic finance.

The overall objective of this International Forum on Islamic Finance was to raise awareness among CTDs of understanding and mastering the process of Islamic finance in order to meet the challenges facing local authorities while strengthening the resilience of local communities. , human security in the face of choice and environmental threats that continue to affect poverty and other ills that undermine society, “Islamic finance is a system that is globally recognized. She has no interests and she encourages the sharing of interests. Our goal is to establish the CTDs and give them the mechanisms so that they can have financial autonomy, and on the other hand, support their mechanisms, particularly how they will educate their populations regarding inclusive development. » as clarified by the general director of the AIFC, Hassan Belibi Noah.

To combine business with pleasure, training on Islamic finance is underway (April 25 and 26). This will help introduce everyone who is really interested in it.

Clément Noumsi

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