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Cosmétiques au romarin


In fact, the messages offered by Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and to a lesser extent Gabon are more relevant than ever. Africa understood that it was in its interest to be at the heart of the interstices which are now available to nations, through the corridors resulting from hegemonic struggles. These are now asserting themselves among the powers, particularly those who claim to be guardians of the countries and people of the continent. These are the powers that previously colluded to defraud Africa from all sides, making it bear all the deadly sins.

It seems that today we are on the verge of reaching a breaking point. Such a rupture would now be favorable to peoples previously bruised by the jousts resulting from political, economic or societal caesuras, instilled by the dominators. Such processes have only resulted in continued misery for African populations.

The peoples in struggle, the peoples in motion, can now consider themselves happy, to accomplish and shine on a desire for emancipation which will finally give them what they are striving for, as it is true that every fight is won by firstly by the will to win. Africans have always had this desire, but the timing of History is not always made up of regular and continuous features. It is made of zigs-zags, sometimes circles, half-opened with openness and fragility. It is made up of hesitations and circumventions, of fragile developments which thwart the constraints that the oppressors want to give themselves.

The timing of History meanders and sometimes takes incomprehensible forms, with feverish evanescence. Certain historical events, such as those we are experiencing today, can escape all predictability and undermine the most subtle forecasters. These events take place at the end of shady delays, escaping any humanly controllable influence. These unexpected historical contingencies, these happenings, often unwanted, can sometimes serve as accelerators of History. They are likely to bias perceptions and the results expected by certain political offers from the oppressors.

This is why we believe that a new day is dawning on the continent. This day is the day, not of revenge, but of more assured cooperation, not of consolation, but of stimulation like no other, towards aspirations for a better, even radiant, future. It is not a question of showing off, but of putting in hard work, in order to actually deserve our freedom.


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