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Activities related to IWD at Mindcaf

From the amphitheater to the football field, women are present.

A round table on the theme: “Acceleration of the acquisition of land ownership by women: guarantee of autonomy and assurance of gender equality” was organized on Monday March 4 in the land credit amphitheater room of Cameroon in the presence of technical advisor n°1 representing the minister. This theme which arises from the central theme which is: “Investing in women, accelerating the pace” Several administrations were present at this round table with in the forefront the Minproff who kept the audience on the central theme, that of the UN women who spoke about support measures for women within the framework of the gender component, Ms. inspector n°1 president of the scientific commission of IWD activities at Mindcaf, Ms. representative of GIZ technical advisor in charge for the promotion of responsible land policy, the representative of the NGO well Grounded Cameroon who focused on women's leadership and also the representative of the environmental NGO for Life who focused on governance issues under the moderation by Ms. Clarisse Constante Kamgang, president of the gender focal team at Mindcaf. It was a question of going around these different sub-themes to better enlighten the lantern of several participants on the progress and the path to follow to translate into facts the desire of the public authorities to reduce to its simplest expression this discrimination against women.

To combine business with pleasure, a sporting meeting took place this Monday afternoon and will have allowed the fairer sex of Mindcaf to show unsuspected talents in a women's football meeting at the GP stadium in Melen in the presence of the general secretary, personal representative of Mindcaf. The joy was total, the ladies of Maetur took over the amazons of Mindcaf by a large score of 5 goals to 1. But as the SG pointed out, it was the family who won because the Maetur being an organization under the supervision of Mindcaf. The ceremony ended with individual distinctions and the presentation of trophies to the two teams. We must salute the bravery of these ladies who, despite the presence of Lady Rain, a surprise guest,  the ladies of Mindcaf and Maetur played fair by going to the end of the meeting in front of a large audience who came to encourage them.


Mme Colette Nicaise Noah Ndo, responsible for sports activities at Mindcaf relating to IWD 2024

« Thank you for speaking, I would like to thank the hierarchy who allowed all these activities to take place. It is thanks to his agreement and his multifaceted support that the sports walk and this football meeting between the amazons of Mindcaf and the women of Maetur was able to take place. I am completely satisfied because the mobilization was great last Saturday during the sports walk organized by Minproff and you saw despite the rain, they played, for a while almost forgetting the offices and files for a football match ».

Mme Clarisse Constante Kamgang, head of the planning and cooperation studies division and chair of the Mindcaf gender focal team

« Thank you for all the interest you give to Mindcaf as part of the activities marking the 39th edition of International Women's Day in Cameroon. Today in our ministerial department and under the leadership of Minister Henri Eyebe Ayissi, many measures have been taken to promote access to land ownership for women and young girls. In terms of first measures, we have capacity building at our legal clinics, the gender focal team set up by the minister is deployed at the level of the ministry itself but also in the hinterland (in rural areas) to raise awareness, popularize land and property procedures. But also raise awareness among women of the need to acquire land ownership to secure their investments. This is how we went from 3 miles land title requests by women in 2019 to more than 14 miles in 2022 so this reflects the progressive appropriation of the message through our awareness raising and popularization of women on the need to obtain this precious sesame. This round table is in line with our objectives of informing as many women from diverse backgrounds as possible on such an occasion, whether during rural women's day or IWD, the objective remains the same, whether the greater number of women take ownership of land access arrangements ».

Bakia Mary Moulobe, head of the Eco Feminist Leadership program of the NGO Well Grounded Cameroon branch

« We talked about Women's Leadership. We have followed everything that is done to inform women about their rights to have access to land ownership but if this is put in place and women do not have a platform for capacity building in order to put their skills into practice, highlights their know-how, I think all this will be a result of some kind. We presented the journey that we, as a civil society (NGO), are taking to support women in understanding who they are, their strengths and weaknesses, and in understanding what skills they must possess as Leaders. It's a way of being, it's a lifestyle, it's being a model for other women who want to do like you, knowing how to communicate, when to say it, how to say it as a woman leader , have empathy and I am convinced that this is the fight, woman knows yourself, who are you as a woman? This is why they must form a group because alone, this is not possible. ».


Clément Noumsi

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