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Cosmétiques au romarin

Artificial Intelligence: the new frontiers of African media.

Yaoundé hosts from March 4 to 6, 2024, the international conference of the African Broadcasting Union.

This is the pretext of the press conference organized on Wednesday February 28, 2024 at the auditorium of the Ministry of Communication by the Director General of the UAR, Grégoire NDJAKA in the presence of the Secretary General of Mincom Félix ZOGO, the representative of the representative resident of UNESCO partner of the Yaoundé summit and the representative of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.

Two main axes will furnish the foundations of Yaoundé, namely the UAR summit which will bring together experts from all over the world but also the launch of the Alliance-Médias-UAR foundation for the fight against cancer which, in view of the statistics, is becoming a real global scourge.

A situation which according to experts should call for greater mobilization for the definition of new paradigms in terms of communication management of this pandemic. In his remarks for the occasion, the CEO of the UAR indicated that “artificial intelligence is at the heart of concerns throughout the world and in all scientific, cultural, political, economic circles, etc.

It therefore constitutes the most impressive digital innovation with upheavals in all sectors of human life. As much as it arouses fear and anxiety in some, it constitutes avenues of hope and perspectives for others.

For the media industry in particular, artificial intelligence offers unprecedented possibilities across the entire value chain of audiovisual production. In this regard, artificial intelligence will undoubtedly offer considerable opportunities to African media on the condition of controlling the turbulence and following the favorable winds in particular astute government policies, insightful regulation and regulation, competent human resources, financing appropriate to support innovation.

This is how the UAR, in its role as sentinel, deemed it appropriate to organize this international conference which will bring together experts from across the continent. The objectives pursued in this meeting in Yaoundé are to make a current assessment of the preparation of the continent's media and it will establish the bases for advocacy in favor of coherent regional policies. Specifically, it will be a question of developing the governance framework which is focused on collaboration in order to limit the negative impacts on the media in Africa.

Then to promote partnerships between government organizations, artificial intelligence entrepreneurs and African media actors. Finally, to reflect efficiently on the possibilities for the optimal, equitable and sustainable use of artificial intelligence particularly adapted to the challenges of African media.

For three days, from Monday March 4 to Wednesday March 6, 2024, on the heights of Mount Nkolnyada at the convention center, the city of seven hills will vibrate to the rhythms of the work of this international conference on the new frontiers of African media in the face of intelligence artificial.

Clément Noumsi

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