Scheduled in the coming days, the Minister of Decentralization and Local Development, Georges Elanga Obam was in front of the media this Monday, April 22, 2024 in Yaoundé with the aim of presenting the issues and challenges of this large-scale event. It was in the presence of the Secretary General of MINDDEVEL, the Director General of BUNEC and representatives of the United Nations, notably UNICEF.

Indeed, this first national forum which will be held on April 26, 2024 in the city of seven hills, will bring together mayors, 374 officers from the main centers housed in town halls, representatives of administrations, public establishments, international organizations and technical and financial partners, will make it possible, among other things, to take stock of birth registration and identify the problems plaguing this registration in order to propose innovative solutions. For these mayors and civil status center officers, it is a question of making a firm commitment through a charter to make birth registration an essential issue in their respective municipalities.
The civil status situation having become a major concern in Cameroon, and following the extension of the deadlines for declaring civil status facts which went from 30 to 90 days, while international standards limit these deadlines to 30 days, nearly 2,900 secondary civil status centers have been created alongside 432 main centers, 374 of which are located in town halls and 58 in diplomatic missions and consular posts. Multisectoral collaboration between the civil status system and other systems.
Furthermore, since the establishment of the digitalization process of the national civil status system to date, there have been 44 main computerized civil status centers, as well as 02 regional agencies of the National Civil Status Bureau (BUNEC ).
During his remarks for the occasion, Minister Georges Elanga Obam focused on the measures taken to issue birth certificates to fellow citizens. "two operations carried out by MINDDEVEL which take place across the national territory, with the main target being CM2 and Class 6 students, in order to enable them to take the official end-of-school-year exams scheduled for next month. next May and June,” he said.
A process that will allow Cameroon to implement pillars 4 and 6 of SND30 which relate respectively to “Development of human capital and well-being” and “governance, decentralization and strategic management of the State”.
Indeed, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) for 2030 aims to “Guarantee legal identity for all, in particular through birth registration”; And the African Union's Agenda 2063, which has the slogan "the Africa we want" by making civil registration a prerequisite for inclusive economic growth leading to socio-economic development of the 'Africa.
Clément Noumsi