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Cosmétiques au romarin

Celebration of the Feast of Sacrifice or Eid al-Adha.

For Imam kueti Ibrahim of the Mosque in theEssomba district, the principle is to take up the gesture with all its symbolism as Ibrahim the father of the Believers did.

It (ʿÎd al-kabîr) is celebrated on 10 dhû al-hijja, the 12th month of the Hegira calendar, which is also the high point of the pilgrimage to Mecca. For those not making the pilgrimage, this feast is marked by a prayer followed by the sacrifice of an animal; for those in Mecca, the sacrifice constitutes the final rite of the pilgrimage. The Prophet instituted this festival in the second year of the Hegira in Medina, when neither he nor the Muslim refugees were able to make the pilgrimage to Mecca.

This feast has a different name in different Muslim countries: Tabaski in most African countries, Bakar ʿîd in India, Büyük Bayram or KurbanBayrami in Turkey...

Sacrifice is an obligatory sunna (mu'akkada ʿalâ al-kifâya) for any Muslim able to buy a beast. Sacrificial victims include camels, cattle and sheep. All victims must be without defect. The sacrifice must be performed by a man in a state of ritual purification, and ritual slaughter must follow a well-established procedure: pronouncing the tasmiya (Pronouncing the [divine] Name, i.e. reciting the basmala: "In the name of God, the Clement, the Merciful" ); The invocation of the basmala, at the beginning of any notable act, calls down on that act the divine blessing, sacralizes it; make the blessing on the Prophet, salât ʿala an-nabî; orient the beast towards the qibla, Mecca; pronounce a triple takbîr, before and after the tasmiya; ask that the sacrifice be accepted with benevolence.

Slaughter must be by throat-cutting. It is not permitted to stun the victim beforehand, nor to kill it by cutting the neck, as it is believed that these methods would prevent the animal from completely bleeding to death, which is how it was done before the faithful left for family festivities.


Clément Noumsi

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