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Cosmétiques au romarin

CEMAC: The sub-regional institution celebrates its 30th anniversary from March 16

A commemoration which offers, according to a press release sent to our editorial staff, the different community structures the opportunity each as far as they are concerned to carry out a retrospective analysis of the thirty years which have just passed.

Placed under the theme "thirty years of experience of CEMAC in the service of regional integration: assessment and perspectives", this commemoration whose large solemn ceremony will be chaired by Faustin Archange Touadera, the current president of the conference of heads of The State, next March 16 (launch date of activities which will extend throughout 2024) will also offer the opportunity for these so-called community structures to better assess public expectations in order to plan the future.

In addition, according to the press release dated March 8, 2024, signed by the communications director of CEMAC, this particular event in that it coincides with the thirtieth anniversary of the institution will be an opportunity for President Touadera , during his message to the community to educate citizens on the progress of the sub-regional organization.

As a reminder, “since its establishment in 1994, and especially with the adoption of the Regional Economic Program (PER) in 2010, in Bangui, CEMAC has worked to support the development of a true common market with a view to 'an irreversible integration, working towards progressive sectoral harmonization of the texts of its Member States for the implementation of common policies.

Furthermore, adds the document, “major transport projects, road and energy infrastructure, agriculture, livestock breeding, fishing as well as community land use planning have been developed with tangible achievements. Without forgetting that “education, health and the improvement of governance, which alone ensure the quality of people and guarantee their development, have also been a concern of CEMAC for 30 years. As well as the facilitation of inter-university exchanges observed today as well as the creation of internationally recognized community training structures are eloquent marks of the efforts deployed in this area.

Julien Efila


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