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Commissioning of the Mbargué ferry: MINTP instructs the carrying out of preliminary technical studies

This is the main recommendation to emerge from the meeting chaired by the Minister of Public Works this Wednesday March 27, 2024 on the commissioning of the Mbargué ferry in Haute-Sanaga. This important working session brought together the entire project team around the MINTP.

The construction work of this trough which has a capacity of 25 to 35 tonnes on the Sanaga River, in the Center region, departments of Haute-Sanaga and Lom and Djerem, was carried out by the company Noha Service for a total amount of 350,000,000 FCFA, excluding taxes, financed by the Ministry of Public Works. After the construction of this ferry, the work completion level of which was 95% in 2015, a commissioning test was successfully carried out. However, its provisional reception and commissioning were prevented by some constraints. According to the presentations made by the departmental delegates of Public Works of Haute-Sanaga and Lom and Djerem, these difficulties relate among other things to the unavailability of access roads to the ferry, the compensation demanded by the local populations before the construction of the access routes to the ferry and payment of the remaining accounts required by the winning company.

In order to definitively lift these constraints and carry out additional work with a view to putting the Mbargué ferry into service, the project owner gave the following recommendations: close the company's long-standing contract with a balance of expenses, deploy a technical team on the site with a view to carrying out an economic study which could lead to the opening of access and navigation and finally, contact the competent prefects to resolve the problems linked to compensation.


Clément Noumsi

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