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Cosmétiques au romarin

Dedication of the Winners Chapel Int Fouda Yaoundé District: a work to the glory of the Lord.

Songs and praises to the Lord furnished this memorable day of Saturday April 20, 2024 for the faithful who are not ready to forget.

The bulk of the texts focused on the wonders of the dedication of the temple to God for the advancement of his kingdom on earth according to the holy scriptures. Some selected verses from today's liturgy Matthew 6:33

Revelation 3:20  “Listen, I stand at the door and knock; If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and have a meal with him and he with me.” The dedication then aims to belong to God but also to glorify him.

It was under the leadership of Pastor Yakubu Kezi, Vice President of the Foreign Mission, who valiantly represented the founder of the Victors Chapel churches, Bishop David Oyedepo, for this solemn ceremony, the resident pastor of the Victors Chapel. from Yaoundé Fouda the Reverend Enrique NFUCA, the Reverend Christian IFEANYI from the Winners Chapel of Biyem Assi, administrative and traditional authorities and many other members of the body of Christ coming from different backgrounds.

The Man of God, Reverend Yakubu Kezi will conclude by saying: “The real message addressed to everyone is that the glory of the eternal is the beauty of the Christian's life. Strive to follow the eternal, his presence will manifest itself in your life. David said: seek the eternal and his strength, seek his face continually, that is the work of the Christian. After the dedication of this temple to the Lord, let us seek him. Let us continue to thirst for the Lord. Oh God, I seek you earnestly, my soul thirsts for you, my flesh desires you, send your power and your glory, for I have seen your temple. As a Christian even outside of the church everywhere in our lives.”


Marcelle Ebanda (Stagiaire)

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