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Cosmétiques au romarin

Department of Bamboutos: 295 Million allocated to four municipalities in 2024 through the BIP-MINTP

The municipalities of Mbouda, Batcham, Galim and Babadjou in the Bamboutos department will benefit from this envelope for the rehabilitation, development and opening of municipal roads.

The municipality of Mbouda benefits from 65,000,000 CFA francs for the rehabilitation of certain municipal roads in the Bamesso, Bamekombo, Babeté and Bamessingue groups.

The four projects registered in the municipality of Batcham concern the rehabilitation of the Batsinla –Touolewouo-Telezintio section for 18,000,000 CFA francs, the rehabilitation of the Batoumbi I chiefdom entrance section-Tchelepi-Nzintia crossroads for a cost of 10,000,000, the rehabilitation of the sections Menapna- Bazimbap-Balena and EP Nzinmegoung-Tsolekeng- Chefferie Sopmela​ for 17,000,000 F CFA and the construction of the Sop Kiampi culvert in Bamougong with development of access roads for 20,000,000 F CFA.

The commune of Galim benefits from 35,000 CFA francs for the opening of the CAPLABAM municipal road - Galim technical high school, 35,000,000 CFA francs for the rehabilitation of the market road section - Bati market and 30,000,000 CFA francs, for the rehabilitation of the Bamenyam Market – Bamenyam Bilingual High School road section.

The projects to be carried out in 2024 in the commune of Babadjou concern the rehabilitation of the FIDO road going towards Mount Bamboutos for an amount of 25,000,000 F CFA and the rehabilitation of the municipal road in Toumaka (Zavion) corresponding to 40,000,000 F CFA F CFA.


Clément Noumsi

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