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Dismissed by Macky Sall, Captain Seydina Oumar Touré was promoted by Diomaye Faye.

While here, our youth are held by the digestive tract; elsewhere, they have convictions. In Senegal, Captain Seydina Oumar TOURE has been appointed as the Director General of the Agency for Proximity Security Assistance (ASP). A well-deserved reward for a man of convictions. Captain Touré had been dismissed from the Gendarmerie following the case involving masseuse Adji Sarr against Ousmane Sonko.

But who is Captain Touré?

Captain Touré was a seasoned investigator at the Research Section of the Gendarmerie in Colobane. Serious, hardworking, polite, impartial, and rigorous, he was highly esteemed by his superiors who predicted a brilliant career for him. However, an event would change everything.

Opposition leader Ousmane Sonko was accused of rape by masseuse Adji Sarr; Captain Touré was one of the investigators on this sensitive case. He was the first to interview Adji Sarr after she filed a complaint against opposition leader Ousmane Sonko. His preliminary investigation report seemed to indicate that there was no rape. The investigation report was even insidiously modified. Captain Touré faced numerous pressures; however, he identified numerous contradictions and omissions in the case.

His preliminary report was leaked to the press, and he was suspected of being the source of the leak. He was now being followed and wiretapped by intelligence services. He began to fear for his safety and that of his family. This fear eventually led him to publicly speak out about the pressures exerted on him. He wished to make the national and international public aware of the situation. Authorities from the gendarmerie called him to ask him to claim that his Facebook account had been hacked or to pretend to be insane. He refused and courageously stood by his statements.

On June 17, 2021, a decree signed by President Macky Sall excluded him from the national gendarmerie for "dishonorable conduct, lack of probity, and breach of the general duties of a military officer." He was detained before being dismissed. He then decided to retrain as a teacher. He was hired at the African Institute of Management (IAM) owned by opposition figure Moustapha Guirassy. However, the government was determined to break him, humiliate him, and socially destroy him.

The leadership of IAM faced unbearable pressure from the government, which demanded the dismissal of Captain Touré. He was ultimately fired after only 72 hours of employment. This second wrongful dismissal sparked outrage among Senegalese citizens. Upon hearing of his dismissal, "Mafia KaccKacc," an organization very active on social media, launched a fundraiser to support Captain Seydina Oumar Touré. A total of 42 million FCFA was raised. Additionally, to support him, the opposition mayor of Dakar, Barthélémy Dias, decided to hire him as "technical advisor responsible for urban security."

As the presidential election in Senegal approached, Captain Touré decided to enter politics to express his revolt in the spirit of Sankara: "The slave who is not capable of assuming his revolt does not deserve pity. Only struggle liberates." On September 25, 2023, he announced the creation of a national citizen movement called "Union for a Just Senegal." He campaigned and supported the candidate Diomaye Faye. On March 15, 2024, Captain Touré met Ousmane Sonko for the first time.

A lesson for all those who prioritize their digestive tract over convictions!

Source Arol KETCH

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