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Cosmétiques au romarin


Niger has just marked September 24, the day when French President Emmanuel Macron capitulated, by recording the withdrawal of French troops from Niger and the return to France of its ambassador in Niamey. It must be said that since July 26, 2023, the date the military took power in Niger, tensions have continued to grow between Paris and Niamey, due to the nationalization of French interests in oil and uranium by the new authorities in place in Niger, represented by the National Council for the Protection of the Homeland (CNSP).

Since then, Emmanuel Macron has suffered the blow, sometimes acting with resentment, always with bitterness, often with contempt, towards the new authorities in power in Niamey. Accustomed to ruling everything on the continent, down to the smallest details in the Palaces, France did not see this new day coming, when people, tired of so many years and centuries of colonialism, then of neocolonialism, have finally decided to put an end to the dark night of oppression. It continues to make people believe that it is irreplaceable, particularly in French-speaking Black Africa, still considered an impregnable backyard. France has always dreamed of its splendor through the exploitation of African countries. The latter remain perceived as colonies, despite facade independence granted hastily, in the 1960s, following demands and, sometimes, armed struggles.

France has behaved and still behaves as a dominating power which has the right of life and death over our States, their leaders, as much as their people. Pretending "development" projects through tied aid, it was particularly noted for policies of dispossession, of which the FCFA remains to this day, the expression of its hideous continuity. France therefore embarked on policies of ostracization and domination, weakening people, conquering States through shameless interventionism and raids, often of the mining type. It was thus able to establish its aura on the international scene by drinking in the wealth of African colony countries. Until now, the people suffered without saying anything. It is now driven out of countries where it has long maintained its military bases, under the pretext of fighting jihadism.

It was first in the Central African Republic, with Augustin Archange Touadéra, who called on the Russians to strengthen his regime, weakened by France's support for various rebellions, which continued to harm the national cause, by destabilizing the country. almost uninterrupted manner since its independence.

Mali followed a few years later, after Colonel Assimi Goïta took power in Bamako, then came the turn of Burkina Faso. Today, these three West African countries, namely Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso, are at the forefront in the fight against the multifaceted dominations of France on the continent.

The withdrawal of French soldiers and the return to France of its ambassador in Niamey, constitute only the beginning of a great adventure for the people of Africa, that of the awakening of the continent, which can no longer bear being exploited without be able to react over millennia. “However long the night, the day always arrives” says a popular saying. Niger, a small country previously despoiled and overexploited, 186th in the world in terms of poverty, sets an example for other African peoples. It’s up to them to keep up.

Niger, a small country previously despoiled and overexploited, 186th in the world in terms of poverty, sets an example for other African peoples. It’s up to them to keep up.

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