A mission from the Ministry of Public Works recently visited the department of Nyong and Mfoumou, commune of Akonolinga, with the aim of finalizing the studies, regarding the recording of topographical, geotechnical and bathymetric data for this important project, the implementation phase is scheduled. During this mission, the mission braved heavy downpours and especially the crossing of the Nyong in the middle of the night, to return to the bank on the Nkolessong side.
Overall, we note that the data was collected properly and will be consolidated for the launch of the project. The mayor of the commune of Akonolinga, Pierre Georges Akamba Assembe, accompanied by the fourth deputy, wanted to accompany this mission and on the occasion, congratulated the executives of the MINTP and those of the town hall, for their self-sacrifice, their sense of service and research and love of a job well done, in achieving this objective which consists of building a ferry crossing from Ebena to Nkolessong.
Clément Noumsi