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Cosmétiques au romarin

First nomenclature meeting of the Catholic health organization in Cameroon

The Catholic health department makes its renovation in Yaoundé

The two-day conclave (March 21 and 22, 2024) was held in Mvolyé at the headquarters of the National Episcopal Commission of Cameroon under the leadership of its president the Metropolitan Archbishop of Douala, His Excellency Mgr Samuel Kleda. With more than 331 health facilities, including 35 hospitals and 296 centers across Cameroon, the health care offering of the Catholic Church supports the promotion of health in the country with the objective of making health care accessible. to all. “Through this mission, we want to make medicines available and at the best prices.

In order to meet the needs of patients, it is a question of coming together so that the purchasing center can serve our network of Catholic health facilities. We must respect the supply system through CENAME in order to provide quality products at very affordable costs. By pooling our forces, we can succeed in this challenge, that of making medicines available at the best prices without forgetting the traditional pharmacopoeia which is doing quite well in West Africa,” underlined the prelate in his speech for the occasion.

This meeting in Yaoundé will have allowed the different links in the health value chain (drugs and medical-sanitary equipment) to discuss the opportunities to be seized for effective and efficient care of our populations.


Dr Eugénie Ngam épse Nomo, national coordinator of the Catholic medicine organization.

« It is a question of getting back to basics because people tend to use specialties in health facilities instead of generics. We must start from generics to satisfy patients, I think that the challenges are numerous, we must change the paradigm. Health facilities must obtain supplies as a priority from our purchasing center and the trend in prescriptions in our hospitals should also move from specialties to generics first. I think with what Mgr said earlier, the ease in the procedures we will have made great progress in the availability of medicines in our hospitals ».

Mgr Samuel Kleda, president of the episcopal commission for health

« I believe that the problem is not only at this level of quality, it is a question of rethinking a general reorganization. It's a whole chain, from the port to the point of arrival then the Ministry of Health then in the health training and finally in the households. And from  there we see that the medicine gets to the patient easily when everyone does their job. Managers have a heavy responsibility, that of welcoming patients, having a spirit of service, to provide them with quality care with strict respect for patients because purchasing power is very low. It is important to always remember that it is there to serve humans. The distribution of products is not a problem but people must do the right thing, each at their own level. ».


Clément Noumsi

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