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Cosmétiques au romarin


The fourth edition of the Eiffage marathon will take place in the Senegalese capital on November 18 and 19, 2023. It will be sponsored by Ladji Doucouré, world champion in the 110-meter hurdles in 2005. Dakar will once again be the theater of sport and culture.

Preparations for the Dakar marathon, 2023 edition, are intensifying in Senegal. The great athletics celebration will take place next November in the streets of the Senegalese capital. This competition will be a meeting of life and sporting and cultural activities. For two days, the event sponsored by Ladji Doucouré, former world champion in the 110 meters, will provide sights and sounds to the 15,000 visitors expected at the Museum of Black Civilizations. According to the organizing committee, it is a kids stadium which will offer numerous activities to children aged 8 to 13 in the competition village.

Apart from the marathon, a half-marathon, of 10 kilometers and two hikes, will be offered to visitors. The marathon route is already mapped out on the Dakar Corniche. Jean Phillipe Allaire, member of the organizing committee, says: “It looks good. We have started registrations. There is still work to be done on logistics. There is enthusiasm. Before registration opened, people were starting to get impatient. We are focused on having a great event. Since the first edition, we have made a lot of progress in the organization. Visitors and fans who will come from around the world to experience this event will not be disappointed. We are preparing the event well and registrations are being launched online and in focal points in certain cities in Senegal.”

Indeed, registrations for this competition are done online and in different locations in the city of Dakar. The focal points for registrations are known. These are Gare Ter, the Auchan store, Vivo stations, Dakar Town Hall, etc.). The sponsor of the event Ladji Doucouré, world champion in the 110 meters, says: “it's good to lend a hand to develop West Africa. As a Senegalese-Malian and former world champion in the 110 meters in 2005, I will bring what I know how to do during this competition. I am very happy to be the sponsor and to be able to highlight this event.”

As a reminder, the fourth edition of the marathon that Dakar is preparing to host begins on the 18th and closes on November 19, 2023. This sporting event will also be an opportunity for the 15,000 expected visitors to discover the cultural depth of Senegal. With the Island of Gorée and the history of black civilizations as its main attractions. This marathon will give way to the Youth Olympic Games planned for 2026 in Senegal.

J.Patrick DJON

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