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Gynecology-obstetrics in Sub-Saharan Africa: between tradition and modernity

This is the common thread of the 32nd conference which will be held from April 10 to 13, 2024 at the Yaoundé convention center.

Yesterday, Thursday April 11, 2024, during the opening ceremony chaired by Professor Louis Richard Njock, Secretary General of the Ministry of Public Health representing Minister Malachie Manaouda, a lot of hope expressed by the various stakeholders to provide solutions concrete and realistic responses to the problem of maternal mortality in our country.

For four days, different specialists from diverse backgrounds will discuss innovations and share experiences in order to provide added value in the management and quality of care. During this conclave, it will be a question of showcasing presentations via conferences led by experts from African countries and elsewhere, the component of practical workshops, which will take place in renowned hospital training courses, such as the Yaoundé central hospital, the university hospital center (CHU) and many others will allow medical staff to adapt to the new rules regarding fetal heart rate.

It should be noted that the event is placed under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Public Health and the Ministry for the Promotion of Women and the Family.


Pr Emile Mboudou, President Sogoc and Director General of the Douala Gyneco-Obstetric Hospital

« With the way the world is changing, we think there are many things that need to change.”

“You know that in medicine each field has specialties, that’s why we talk about tradition, which is what we are used to doing. We want to break away from habits that sometimes brought satisfaction and sometimes not. It is important to see if what we are used to doing remains relevant. With the evolution of techniques and knowledge, we believe that there are many things that will need to change. Maternal mortality is a complication that has several origins, and which are not always in the health field. But as far as we are concerned, we think that we should work to the extent of wanting to train providers in new techniques and teach them the new means that we already have to prevent and manage complications during the pregnancy, thus we will have saved a good number of lives. But, there are aspects which are not necessarily in the field of health. Last time, I already told you that maternal mortality is what we call three delays.

The first is what we call delay in diagnosis, there is a complication but we don't know what there or the person who made it doesn't have adequate skills. The second delay is that we have planned the diagnosis but we have to go to the center where the care will be administered. You imagine that it could be a problem of a bad road or you have to go far. The third delay is that this patient will have been diagnosed and will take the road but will arrive at the hospital there will be a delay in treatment, sometimes it is the technical platform is not available or compliant and the worst can arrive. Like me, you see that all these delays do not always relate to health. But we, as a learned society, must try to support public authorities in reducing maternal mortality, which is the most sensitive indicator when we talk about the health system in a country. ».


Clément Noumsi

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