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Implementation of the SND30: adoption of the education strategy

This was the exhortation made by the Minister of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development, Alamine OUSMANE MEY, to the members of the National Committee for Monitoring and Evaluation of the implementation of the National Development Strategy 2020-2030 (CNSE/SND30), whose third session was held this Tuesday, May 14, 2024 in Yaoundé.

It was attended by a dozen members of the government. The aim of the session was to present the report on the implementation of SND30 for the year 2023. The updated strategy for the Education and Training sector was also presented and adopted.

In his opening speech, the Minister of the Economy, after citing several achievements in the various sectors of the SND30, expressed his overall satisfaction with the progress made. On the social front, notable progress has been made in health, with the implementation of Universal Health Coverage. In terms of access to drinking water and electricity, the proportion of households with access to drinking water has passed the 80% mark, compared with 61% in 2014, and the proportion with access to electricity has risen to over 60%. In the transport infrastructure sector, a total of 700 km of roads have been rehabilitated and asphalted by 2023. In terms of governance, significant progress has been made in decentralization, with more resources transferred to the local authorities. Efforts in public finance management and improvements in the business climate have enabled Cameroon's financial rating to be restored to B- with a stable outlook.

However, according to the Minister of the Economy, in view of the speed of progress and Cameroon's great ambition to emerge, "we will have to redouble our efforts". At the halfway point in the implementation of the SND30, "we will need to maintain the structural momentum that has been built up, and make up for the performance gaps caused by the shocks to our economy", declared Alamine OUSMANE MEY. Also, for the second half of the implementation of the National Development Strategy, MINEPAT has made some suggestions and given some guidelines. These include making the electricity sector the main vector for the structural transformation of the Cameroonian economy; speeding up the equipping of Cameroon with structuring infrastructures in order to reduce production factor costs, and guarantee the competitiveness of the national economy; vigorously supporting industrialization through accelerated implementation of the SND30 Initial Impetus Program (P2I); and deepening the integration of value chains at national level.

It will also involve stepping up Public-Private Partnership operations in the mining and infrastructure sectors; strengthening Cameroon's resilience and economic Sovereignty through the implementation of the Integrated Plan for Agricultural and Halieutic Import Substitution (PIISAH), which aims among other things to facilitate the development of private sector actions in the agropastoral sector, contribute to a significant increase in production and create an environment conducive to the development of agropastoral activities. The Minister of the Economy also emphasized the need to constantly ensure consistency between the planning and operational implementation of the SND30 to guarantee the best results with effectiveness and efficiency.

The Comité National de Suivi-Evaluation de la Stratégie Nationale de Développement 2020-2030 (CNSE/SND30) is the unified monitoring and evaluation framework for the SND30 and sectoral strategies, created by Decree N°2021/1541/PM of March 23, 2021 of the Prime Minister, Head of Government.


Pr Fabien Nkot, sub-committee on education and training

« The logical coherence of our country's management tools: at the top is the Head of State's Vision 2035, and below that is Cameroon's national development strategy; below that are sectoral strategies, such as agriculture and transport, including the education and training sector strategy. The education and training sector strategy was the last to be adopted. So you can understand the country's relief at having been able to fill the gaps. Broadly speaking, the first thing to note is that the strategy adopted today concerns several ministries: Basic Education, Secondary Education, Higher Education, Employment and Vocational Training, Youth and Civic Education, Scientific Research and Innovation. Broadly speaking, the strategy addresses issues of equity and access to training, training quality, professionalization and governance of training. ».


Clément Noumsi

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