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Cosmétiques au romarin

Increase in the price of fuel at the pump: the new harmonized transport prices

the inevitable ripple effects

It's official since Tuesday, February 27, 2024, the price of urban and interurban transport has been revised upwards. It was inevitable and it's the common people who are going to do it. This decision of the Minister of Commerce, Order No. 0039 of February 26, 2024 following this deaf dialogue started a long time ago with the unions and consumer associations who find themselves abandoned because as usual, we have put the plow before the oxen. It has been two weeks since these tariffs, although contested by the government's main interlocutors, were already circulating on social networks, and in the end this is what is confirmed without a return to the negotiating table.

It must be said between 2004 and 2024, the taxi price increased from 200frs to 350frs, an increase of 175% in relative value or 150frs in absolute value. If it is true that the minimum wage increased from 28 thousand francs to 43,175 francs during the same period and family allowances from 2,400 francs to 4,500 francs, it is important to note these measures only impact those who are in the formal sector, although the majority The majority are recruited in the informal sector which constitutes nearly 90% of our economic fabric. Despite the maintenance of the price of gas and kerosene, households are suffering the counter-shock with soaring food prices and an increasingly expensive standard of living overnight.

Attached is the entire press release.

Clément Noumsi

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