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Lady Tsemo case against James Gabriel Mouangue Kobila, president of the CDH

Dame Tsemo dismissed and sentenced to court

Ruling on the matter of summary proceedings from hour to hour this March 12 on the request for discontinuance of the disciplinary procedure then underway against her within the Commission of Human Rights of Cameroon (CDHC), the Court of First Instance of Yaoundé administrative center has just rejected his request by declaring itself "incompetent for serious challenge". In addition, the judge “ordered the plaintiff to pay the costs”. This is the second failure of Ms. Tsemo in the senseless standoff that she freely chose to undertake to try to impose her mode of operation on the national human rights institution of Cameroon, after the rejection of the notification of his summary procedure by the disciplinary council which immediately recommended his dismissal. A dismissal recorded on February 28, 2024 by President James Mouangue Kobila.

Refusing to take responsibility for her escapades before the disciplinary council where she never showed up despite three summons and advised by Sunday lawyers, Ms. Espérance Tsemo Kouobou hoped to paralyze the disciplinary council of the CDHC and continue to receive her salary without work until the outcome of the criminal case improperly brought against the president of the CDHC, on the basis of low-level slander.

Indeed, during its session of February 27, 2024, unanimously on each of the five charges brought against her, the disciplinary council of the CDHC recommended to the president of this INDH to dismiss Ms. Tsemo Kouobou. An outcome that she wanted to avoid at all costs by scouring the courts of Yaoundé in all directions for two months.

After this second bitter failure, Ms. Tsemo Kouobouboum is certainly already meditating on the meaning of the adverbial phrase never two without three.


Clément Noumsi

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