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Maison de la Diaspora: A Gift from the Head of State!

The ceremony of handing over by MINDCAF to MINREX (represented by its SG) of the related land documents relating to state land located in Mbalngong district of Mbankomo, department of Mefou and Akono intended for the construction of the House of the Diaspora took place takes place this Friday, March 1, 2024 in the conference room of the Mindcaf ministerial office.

This day will therefore forever be remembered as a day when relations between the Diaspora and the motherland of Cameroon took a decisive turning point. What happened in Yaoundé is indeed a historic turning point. THE DIASPORA WILL HAVE ITS HOME. THE DIASPORA WILL HAVE ITS FOOT ON EARTH. A TRUE TESTAMENT FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS. This historic turning point is the logical but highly anticipated realization of presidential promises towards the diaspora. During FODIAS, the Diaspora Forum which took place from June 28 to 30, 2017 in Yaoundé and more recently during the Grand National Dialogue organized at the Palais des Congrès from September 30 to October 4, 2019, this Diaspora was explicitly invited to contribute more actively in the development of Cameroon and to take its place in the train of Emergence of Cameroon.

Several times, the Head of State of Cameroon has explicitly reached out to the Diaspora and he has always been convinced of the assets of this Diaspora. This is how, for example, during the visit he made to France on July 24, 2009, the Head of State declared that he wants and I quote “to see the Diaspora participate in the development of Cameroon”. End of quote. Naturally, when we receive we say thank you and we ask for more. The 7 million Cameroonians who live abroad are great patriots aware of their potential and their assets. But they are also aware of the well-known additional barriers that persist and which can slow down their contribution to the development of Cameroon.


Dr Samuel Dongmo, president of HCCE

«Give honour where honour is due. If we are here today, it is because we received a donation from the Head of State and I would like to thank him. This donation responds to a request from the diaspora who wish to have a certain number of facilities, and we have a concrete act. This donation in reality is the result of a succession of work, we can cite Fodias, the great national dialogue and the Diaspora Day organized a few days ago by Minrex. We will use this house to prove that the diaspora is at home in Cameroon. If we don't have a house, we are not adults, this donation comes at the right time and we will use it to contribute massively to the development of Cameroon».

Chinmou Oumarou, SG Minrex

« Today's ceremony is the icing on the cake because it is one of the flagship measures in the series of initiatives taken by the government on the very high instructions of the Head of State to be able to motivate, bring back those of our brothers in the diaspora so that they can come to Cameroon to contribute in their own way to the work of national construction. Today we are talking about setting up a joint Mindcaf/Minrex platform in terms of initiatives and procedures on an administrative and technical level, how can we move forward in a constructive way so that this donation is made in the best conditions and as quickly as possible ».

Henri Eyebe Ayissi, Mindcaf

« This ceremony is organized to allow the will of the Head of State to materialize. The diaspora house will be set up at a joint Minrex/Mindcaf mission with a representative of the diaspora who is the beneficiary. This is the dynamic that the Head of State is engaging in to support those who responded to his call to come in their own way for the development of our country. ».

Honorable Louis Henri Ngantcha, president of REP-COD

«We are very happy because it is the culmination of a long process and as a parliamentarian through our network (Rep-cod) carried this plea, and the Minister of Domains following the instructions of the head of the The State has done the necessary due diligence and today it is confirmed. It is a strong marker and the government continues to give back to the diaspora. I am happy for this donation and we say thank you to the Head of State, to Mindcaf, to Minrex and I welcome the presence of Dr Dongmo and we will continue because the country needs its children from inside and outside».

Clément Noumsi

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