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Malaria Ministerial Conference

Mobilization of resources in favor of malaria at the heart of discussions

The Minister of Public Health, Dr MANAOUDA Malachie actively took part in the round table focused on the opportunities and challenges in securing and effective deployment of funding for malaria during the ministerial conference on malaria in Yaoundé.

Under the leadership of President Paul BIYA, Cameroon is strongly committed to the fight against malaria... It is therefore a national priority from the point of view of public policies put in place and funding mobilized by the Government and its partners in this regard. effect” declared the Minister of Public Health, when he spoke, during the above-mentioned round table.

For him, this is not enough to face the challenges to overcome in order to achieve the expected results. These include the non-prioritization of health in national strategies, the absence of rationalization of the interventions of the different actors who often find themselves carrying out the same actions on the ground, and finally the conflicts in the world which lead decision-makers to relegate health to second place.

To obtain adequate funding for the fight against malaria, Dr MANAOUDA Malachie suggested better planning of interventions and the determination of fields of action, the popularization of the results obtained and their impacts on the country's economy. The counterparts of the Health Authority of Sudan, Burkina Faso, the DRC and Mali, during the same exercise, after presenting the actions undertaken in their respective countries, focused on advocacy with decision-makers in order to to prioritize the fight against malaria, the development of research to better direct resources, and interventions according to field epidemiology.

They also insisted on the need to invest more in health promotion and prevention rather than in the fight against disease. It is at the cost of all these combined actions that Africa can hope to put malaria out of harm's way for its populations.

The day ended with a press conference following the signing of the Yaoundé agreement by the countries present.


Clément Noumsi

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