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Mefou and Afamba: several works carried out on municipal roads

several works carried out on municipal roads thanks to the transferred resources.

The resources transferred by the Ministry of Public Works, via the Road Fund, made it possible to carry out works in two municipalities of Mefou and Afamba. Three works have been carried out on the municipal roads of Awae, just as a double culvert is under construction in the commune of Edzendouan.

These works were developed at the request of the municipalities concerned who transmitted their needs to the Ministry of Public Works. In the commune of Awae, resources amounting to 59,978,794 CFA francs were therefore transferred through the Road Fund, to ensure the construction of three permanent bridges in this commune in the department of Mefou and Afamba.

To date, the work is almost complete and has made it possible to build a bridge over the Afamba River, Carrefour Nguinda-Messak section, an 8 ml bridge over the Meki River, Biviang-Entrée Kat section and a 6 ml bridge over the Zui river, Odoudouma I-Odoudouma II section. Technical control of the works was carried out by the Departmental Delegate of Public Works of Mefou and Afamba. This work follows the execution of contract No. 001/M/CIPM/CAWAE/2023 of June 23, 2023, awarded after a national call for tenders.

In the commune of Edzendouan, a market made it possible to begin the construction of a double culvert on the Befere river, municipal road at the Olinga Mongo-Carrefour Mvondoumba crossroads. These projects make it possible to improve the daily lives of the populations of this department, a real agricultural breeding ground..


Clément Noumsi

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