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MINTP: sustainability and soil stabilization under study with ROADPACKER/INNOV-ST

The Ministry of Public Works in search of innovative solutions.

This is what justifies the holding of this training workshop that the Minister of Public Works chaired in Yaoundé this Tuesday, December 12, 2023 in Yaoundé at the national higher school of public works. Minister Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi, accompanied by his close collaborators the secretary general, the secretary of state in charge of roads and the director of the national higher school of public works of Yaoundé (ENSTP). The opening ceremony of the training seminar on appropriation of the implementation of the soil stabilization product ROADPACKER/INNOV-ST/INNOV-ST will have two phases, one theoretical for December 12 and 13, 2023, and of a practical phase on December 14 and 15 in order to get to grips with the realities of two itineraries on the ground

In summary, it is a complete method of constructing roads and other platforms specifically based on the physical and mechanical characteristics and properties of most soils. There is therefore hope in terms of soil stabilization at the end of this meeting which is being held in a context of the gradual continuation of delivery of road projects for the 2023 financial year and following.


Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi, MINTP

“First of all, we are not going to conclude yet since the training is in progress. The objective sought in this training is to be able to continue to build our roads, maintain them with an innovative product to make more road lines under construction, more road lines under maintenance. Whether dirt or asphalt roads with low cost. It is therefore a question of doing more with it, as you know, bitumen is increasingly rare and it is expensive. We must therefore think outside the box which requires us to build roads with bitumen and look elsewhere. The ROADPACKER/INNOV-ST road product is of Canadian origin. As you have certainly noticed, it is marketed from Spain. We will therefore try it after this training on two school sites which take into account the variability of the soils, the typology of the soils and work so that the implementation respects the success protocol of the said product. This is therefore what is sought by this training, obviously the conclusions will come when we are going to carry out these school sites when we are going to carry out these tests in the field. That is to say we leave on the road axis we work in compliance with the protocol applying the Barka road product and then we observe the behavior of the ground, of the road. The durability of roads is a major concern in 2021 we have planned another strategy for the sustainable maintenance of earth roads which must benefit from the external contribution of a stabilization product to extend its lifespan of at least 7 years . We have already set our sights on this Barka road product.

We are therefore going to try it on two school trails to see if this product can allow us to extend the lifespan of our roads over at least 7 years. I will tell you that there are laboratory tests which allow us to know whether the road will be sustainable or not. This is why the conclusions on the school site will determine us. What we are looking for is to know the durability of the roads and especially of the interventions in real time. The tests will be carried out on a full scale, that is to say in the field we will work in compliance with the standards. The sustainability of roads is of great concern because already in 2021 we have created uses processes that allow us to know if the road is sustainable. What we are looking for are effective interventions in real time, you have a pothole on an asphalt road, we come and apply ROADPACKER/INNOV-ST according to the protocol and we see the behavior on the ground".

Clément Noumsi

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