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Misappropriation of funds from Fécafoot: Nyassa Soleil excluded from any activity related to Football

The mission assigned to itself by the new executive of the Cameroonian Football Federation led by Samuel Eto'o, that of giving Cameroonian football all its greatness, is gradually bearing fruit. Because nothing will ever be the same again. Nyassa soleil President of the Mbam departmental League and Kim, member of the executive committee of Fecafoot, has just been exposed by the disciplinary committee and excluded for a period of 05 years from any activity linked to Football.

The President of the Departmental League of Mbam and Kim are accused of proven acts of corruption. He declared 08 affiliated clubs including 04 fictitious and received subsidies from the 08 clubs. Faced with this behavior, the executive committee ruled and sanctioned the person concerned commensurate with the action taken. He is excluded from any activity related to Football for a period of 5 years and will have to pay a fine of 500,000 FCFA.

Indeed, it was revealed that 04 of the clubs mentioned including Mbam and Kim FC, Olympique FC, Option sport et Étude and Vipère SA do not exist. This sanction comes at the right time, at a time when Cameroonian football is going through a tense situation with quarrels linked to arbitration and dual identity. It also aims to eliminate all forms of corruption in the football world in Cameroon. Certainly it is a difficult mission, but not impossible.

J. Patrick DJON

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