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Cosmétiques au romarin

National Assembly: Constitution of committees

The honorable Rosette AYAYI president and Salmana Amadou Ali vice-president re-elected to the finance committee

It is in a very relaxed atmosphere that the President of the National Assembly the Honorable Cavaye Yegue Djibril chaired the plenary to establish the (9) nine commissions of the lower house of the Cameroonian parliament yesterday Tuesday March 26, 2024.

According to article 22 paragraph 5 of the internal regulations of the said chamber, the various lists after posting were made public by the PAN at this plenary and adopted by the chamber. The President of the House castigated the notorious absenteeism of certain elected representatives of the people who stand out for their absences, already decried by the oldest member of the House, the honorable Laurentine Koa Mfegue Épse Mbede during the election of the office last Friday. It is no surprise that the proposed lists were adopted and on the instructions of the president of the said chamber, after the end of the constitution plenary, all the committees directly entered into conclave for the election of the various committee offices.

Here is the list of the 9 commissions: the Finance and Budget Commission; the Foreign Affairs Committee; the National Defense and Security Commission; the Committee on Economic Affairs, Programming and Regional Planning; the Education, Vocational Training and Youth Commission; the Committee on Cultural, Social and Family Affairs; the Committee on Production and Exchange; the Committee on Resolutions and Petitions.

The Finance and Budget Committee reappointed the Honorable Rosette AYAYI as chairman of the committee with the Honorable Salmana Amadou Ali as vice-chair, this young person full of experience and vivacity who is making a remarkable entry into his first mandate .


Clément Noumsi

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