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National Order of Physicians of Cameroon: Dr Rodolphe Fonkoua new President

The CEO of the Idimed polyclinic was elected President of the Council of the National Order of Physicians of Cameroon (Onmc), on December 9, 2023 with 246 votes out of 535 expressed during an extraordinary elective general assembly held at the Palais Polyvalent des Sports.  Dr. Fonkouathus replaces Dr Guy Sandjon in this position and becomes the 4th president of the ONMC. 


The Medical Advisor to the Archbishop of Douala will have the mission of restoring the dignity of doctors, campaigning for an increase in salaries and the cost of medical procedures, reducing the period required for private practice to 3 years instead of 5 years. personal title and the promotion of a career profile in the public service, particularly in a university hospital environment to fight against nepotism and clientelism among others. After several dismissals, the National Order of Physicians of Cameroon finally has a new president. It was in an electric atmosphere punctuated by suspicion of ballot stuffing that the Extraordinary General Assembly of December 9, 2023 at the Palais Polyvalente des Sports in Yaoundé opened. A veto of the candidates led firstly to the expulsion of the non-doctors, then doctors so the names did not appear on the list of voters and finally the outright rejection of proxies. Following this consensus, the elections were opened. Doctor Jules Ndjebet was elected to the position of President of the General Assembly, Dr Marcus Eteme, took charge of the Audit Office. It will be necessary to wait around 4 o'clock at first light on Sunday morning to know the name of the rare bird. Defying the predictions, and the general surprise Dr Rodolphe Fonkoua won the elections with an overwhelming majority. He obtained 246 votes out of the 535 validly cast. He thus becomes the 4th president of the Council of the National Order of Physicians of Cameroon (ONMC). , Dr Rodolphe Fonkouathis worthy son Bayangam is determined to work for better integration of young doctors into the professional environment.  

On this subject, the Medical Advisor to the Archbishop of Douala will introduce the ethics and professional conduct course at the end of the cycle. Create a permanent reception and information unit for young doctors within the ONMC secretariat. In addition to this, support from the Order will be put in place to obtain installation loans for young doctors at low cost and the creation of professional civil societies (SCP). For the new president “I will convene an extraordinary general assembly to discuss youth unemployment. I will advocate increasing salaries and the cost of medical procedures. The repeal of decree PM 92-252 of July 6, 1992 which will lead to the creation of thousands of youth jobs. The reduction to 3 years instead of 5 years of the period required for private practice on a personal basis. The application of incentive measures aimed at reducing deserts of medical personnel. Free care administered to colleagues in public hospitals and preferential rates in private establishments »

Man's profile

Born December 7, 1953 in Douala, Dr Rodolphe Fonkouaobtained his baccalaureate series D in 1974. He flew to Ivory Coast for his medical studies at the Faculty of Medicine of Abidjan from 1974 to 1981 (following his great- sister Joséphine Wandja, mathematician born in 1945 in Cameroon who became Ivorian by descent, the first woman to be an associate professor and state doctor in mathematics, the first African woman with a 3rd cycle doctorate in mathematics, the first African woman to be a professor of mathematics in a university) . He calmly completed numerous academic internships in diabetology at the Hôtel-Dieu in Paris. He became a sports doctor in 1982. Thanks to his self-sacrifice, he developed skills in occupational medicine in 1984 and in 2013, he obtained a degree in theology from the Institute of Religious Sciences of the Catholic University of Douala. He was an internist in the Oumé and Yamoussoukro hospitals in Ivory Coast from 1981 to 1984. Back in Cameroon, he served as medical director at the Koumassi clinic in Douala for eight years (1984 to 1992). For fifteen years, he was a doctor at the Douala sports union. In 1983, he also set up the Idimed Clinic, which became Idimed Polyclinic, which is a multidisciplinary establishment employing around a hundred people, i.e. around twenty doctors, eighty-five (85) nurses, paramedics and others. He worked for the Council of the National Order of Physicians of Cameroon for more than 25 years, including 15 years as Representative of the Order for the Littoral and 10 years as Advisor.

He is a local man who knows the house well.

Clément Noumsi

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