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Nomayos industrial zone: The bitumen that opens the way to “salvation”

6 billion CFA francs to improve access to the cement plant in order to support private investment.

This Wednesday, November 29, 2023, this involves the reception of an expressway of 2 x 2 lanes of 3.5 m each including a central reservation which extends over 5.50 km. The infrastructure was built as the government's contribution to stimulating private investment. The Nomayos cement plant thus benefits from an approach infrastructure carried out on the public investment budget (BIP) to the tune of approximately 6 billion CFA francs.

The observation made by the user today is that the road developed and put into service by the Minister of Public Works on November 29, 2023, made it possible to improve and facilitate access to an important residential area in full development. , with a lighting system installed along the route. Through the development of this road, the Ministry of Public Works continues the implementation of the Road Connectivity Program and the promotion of private initiatives, in accordance with the political program of His Excellency Mr. Paul BIYA, President of the Republic .

Indeed, the access roads thus developed make it easy to transport cement production from the Nomayos factory to the product distribution points. This facility, which has a certain impact on the cost of purchasing cement and the availability of the product, contributes to materializing the support of the government and its support, for the interest of consumers who are citizens.

The project to asphalt the accesses to the CIMENCAM cement plant in Nomayos was born from the desire of the public authorities to support the Cimenteries du Cameroun for the commissioning, under the best conditions, of a new cement plant located in Nomayos, a few kilometers away of our capital city.

The project, designed as a 2 x 3.5 x 2 lane expressway, with a 25 cm central reservation and a bituminous concrete wearing course, starts from the Nationale 3, Yaoundé-Douala at the entrance to the Cimenterie car parks. The project is located between two departments, namely that of Mfoundi (from kilometer point 0 + 000m - connection to the Nationale N3 between Yaoundé and Douala - at kilometer point 4 + 350m and the department of Mefou and Akono (from point kilometer 4 + 350m to kilometer point 5+250 m).


Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi, MINTP

“It is no secret that the policy of supporting private investments (like that of Cimencam) translates into the creation of approach infrastructures. An easy road access to an agro-industrial zone, to a production factory. It is therefore a political will of the leader that we have just materialized with the commissioning of this road to open up this area of ​​Nomayos. On the Mefou and Akono side, for the populations victims of expropriations, compensation has been fully achieved. You know this crust straddles two departments, Mfoundi on one side and Mefou and Akono on the other, the declaration of usefulness has been made, for Mfoundi it will follow but in the coming weeks, the arrangements will be taken so that in the coming days, the populations of Mfoundi pay the cash register.”

Clément Noumsi

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