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Obituary: Haman Adama has passed away

Born Halimatou Mahonde, the former Minister of Basic Education died on April 29 in Yaoundé, following an illness.

The news fell like a knife on the morning of April 30, 2024. Haman Adama, former Minister of Basic Education and politician, has left her family to begin her journey into eternity. Originally from the Benoue department in the North region, she is a product of the Ecole Nationale d'Administration et de Magistrature (ENAM). She joined the government in 2000 as Secretary of State for Education, and was appointed Minister on August 08, 2004.

Accused of misappropriation of public funds, she was arrested on June 06, 2010 after leaving the government on June 30, 2009, and replaced by Youssouf Adidja Alim, also from Benoue.

After spending more than two years in the Yaoundé Kondengui central prison, she was finally notified of the charges against her. Arrested for embezzlement of nearly 1 billion CFA francs, the initial amount was reduced to around 100 million by the examining magistrate. The charges against her related to public contracts for the management of the minimum package, which is supposed to guarantee free basic education.

Taking advantage of the provisions of the text governing the operation of the Special Criminal Court (TCS), which offers the accused the possibility of repaying the corpus delicti, Haman Adama will be released after returning the sum of 212.5 million CFA francs to the State.

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