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Pan-African Development Institute: 60 years already!

The celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of the Pan-African Institute for Development (IPD), the new administrative district, was coupled with the installation of the new PCA (Chairwoman of the Board of Directors) and the official inauguration of the new headquarters of the secretariat general of this continental institution, took place this Wednesday, February 28, 2024 under the chairmanship of the Minister of Economy, Planning and Territorial Development (Minepat), Alamine Ousmane Mey, and several other personalities.

In his welcome remarks, the Secretary General of the Pan-African Institute for Development (IPD), Professor Emmanuel Kamdem expressed his Institution's gratitude to the high Cameroonian authorities for the multifaceted support from which the IPD has benefited. The Secretary General took advantage of this circumstance to present the new President of the Board of Directors, Fatumata Djau Baldé, also Minister of Agriculture of Guinea-Bissau, elected on February 17, 2024, following the death of the Cameroonian Elad Theresia. He also took the opportunity to launch an appeal to Africa's development partners to seek their support for the construction of the main IPD headquarters building, the model of which is available.

For the Minister of Economy, Planning and Regional Development, Alamine Ousmane Mey, it is important to remember that one of the pillars of SND30 concerns the development of human capital and economic integration. . And when we talk about human capital development, we are referring to training. declared Minister Alamine Ousmane Mey.

As a reminder, the Pan-African Institute for Development was created in 1964, with the mission of contributing to the economic, social and cultural development of African countries through action research, advisory support, academic training of LMD system (License - Master -Doctorate), short and long-term professional training and validation of acquired experience (VAE). Its field activities are governed both by headquarters and technical cooperation agreements which link the institution to the various host countries, as well as by specific conventions which govern its relations with partner administrations in the host countries. In January 2023, the IPD signed a headquarters agreement with Morocco, materializing the transfer of its legal headquarters from Geneva to Dakhla.

Excerpt from the speeches

Alamine Ousmane Mey, minepat

“It is certainly a challenge these days, we hope that the use of this institution will allow us to continue our cooperation, to continue our integration at the continental level, because it is a pan-African institution. And taking into account the African Continental Free Trade Area, we look to the future with a lot of hope and a lot of expectations, a lot of challenges too”

Pr Emmanuel Kamdem, secrétaire général de l'IPD

“The site housing this new headquarters building was offered free of charge by the highest authority of the Cameroonian State, and the construction work of the premises and the fence was financed in full by the Cameroonian Government, which also equipped the office equipment and furniture »

Clément Noumsi

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