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Cosmétiques au romarin

Phase 1 of the asphalting of the Edea-Dizangue-Mouanko road: the failure of the company in charge of the work was noted

The gap observed between the overall progress (13.10%) and the deadlines consumed (105.41%) sufficiently demonstrates that the company is struggling to improve its performance. Hence the failure report established by the Project Owner. The current prospects are now focused towards a new contractualization, for the realization of this project.

Work prior to the asphalting of the regional road R031701, started by the Edéa-Dizangue section which extends over 14 km and should connect the town of Edéa to that of Mouanko, is progressing unsatisfactorily. Indeed, the Zuidaf Sarl/Fredex Group Group, mobilized on this section since the end of 2022, is still working to carry out the earthworks, two years after its mobilization on the ground. As of April 12, 2024, they are at kilometer point (pk) 6+00. Only a grader and a loading shovel are active on the site to carry out all the expected services. Moreover, the excavated material stored at PK2+350 did not obtain approval from the project management. In view of the shortcomings observed on the company side, the Client initiated the termination procedure, by issuing a service order indicating failure which continues to support the company, in particular the reinforcement of the staff as well as the equipment on the work site.

Aware of the economic and social importance represented by the asphalting of the Edéa-Dizangue-Mouanko road, the government is doing everything possible to build this road infrastructure located in the Littoral region.


Clément Noumsi

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