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Cosmétiques au romarin



        The cotton industry was promoted by its exhibition, this February 27, 2024, and the election of Miss Cotton 2024, at the Ministry of Arts and Culture as the second edition.


        This sector of activity, which represents a crucial and large part of our economy on the one hand, and of our culture on the other, was highlighted at the National Museum this afternoon. It is a question of further promoting this sector of activity and encouraging small and medium-sized businesses specializing in the transformation of cotton into semi-finished and finished products. On display were: boubous, loincloths, slippers, handbags, rugs, bedding, clothing, etc.

More than 30 young people and 15 adults practice and work in this profession. This promotes their socio-professional integration, and contributes to sustainable development. 40 experts and artisans in the field mobilized, coming from all Cameroonian regions to honor this invitation namely: Adamaoua, The North, the Far North, North West, the South West, the Center, the South, the East and the West. Several international and national delegations took part in this grandiose event such as the Minister of Arts and Culture, the Representative of the Chamber of Agriculture, the Representative of GIZ, the European Union, the Ambassador of the People's Republic of China, the Ambassador of the Republic of South Korea, Madam Economic Attaché United Kingdom (UK), Madam Economic and Cultural Minister Counselor of the Embassy of Italy in Cameroon, Mr. Ambassador of the Republic of Great Britain in Cameroon and Mr. Secretary General of the National Commission of UNESCO.

MISS COTON ELECTION: Miss TIFFA Viany, aged around twenty, is elected Miss Cotton for the 2023 season.

The Head of the Fashion and Design department at Minac, Lembombock Mr. LOGA MAHOP Paul Emmanuel, in his interview tells us more: "We must further promote cotton, as an important cultural, anthropological and heritage raw material. It's magical because This precious sesame is not only cultivated throughout Cameroon but also is a significant vector for boosting the national economy. This event commemorates our ancestral values and promotes our cultural heritage around the world.” It is therefore recommended that the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development include this program in its next editions of 2025, says the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Mr. Joseph DION NGUTE.

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