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Signature of the emergency project to combat the food crisis (PULCCA)

The ceremony on Monday April 22, 2024 in Yaoundé, Cameroon took place at the Hilton hotel. The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Gabriel Mbairobe proceeded with the Director General of the FAO visiting Cameroon to sign this important project for the food sovereignty of the populations.

The Government of the Republic of Cameroon, with financial support from the World Bank, has developed and is implementing the emergency project to combat the food crisis in Cameroon (PULCCA). Worth 102.5 million US dollars, this project will be executed until December 31, 2025 in the Far North, North, North West, South West, East regions. and Adamaoua. Its objective is to develop and strengthen food and nutritional security as well as increase the resilience to climate shocks of targeted households and producers.

As part of the PULCA, FAO intervenes in the Eastern region and the Organization's actions aim to: Support the production of food for farmers and breeders through the acquisition and distribution of inputs and small equipment agricultural and livestock production to the targeted beneficiaries. Strengthening the technical capacities of beneficiaries on production routes and resilience to climate change following the “Climate-Smart Agriculture” approach  Improving the availability of pastoral resources through the establishment of forage fields and the materialization of transhumance corridors, subject to conflicts between farmers and breeders. The intervention will directly affect 3,950 beneficiaries of plant production and 900 beneficiaries of animal production.

Furthermore, FAO has contributed, as part of its own funds co-financing for this project, an amount of 500,000 US dollars, from its emergency funds. This co-financing which will make it possible, among other things, to acquire and make available to beneficiaries, inputs and small equipment for market gardening, dairy and family poultry production and the establishment of eight hectares of forage fields for animal feed. .

The minister did not fail to welcome the effective presence of the Director General of the FAO on Cameroonian soil, “Africa in miniature” which testifies to the excellence of the relations between Cameroon and this UN institution.


Clément Noumsi

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