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Cosmétiques au romarin

Status quo in the national assembly

This Friday, March 22, 2024, was the day of the election of the office to the national assembly.

The plenary session was marked by the election of the final office of the National Assembly. The work chaired by the oldest member, the Honorable Laurentine Koa Mfegue Épse Mbede, without surprise and in a reassuring calm, the president of the RDPC parliamentary group, the Honorable Roger Melingui presented the candidacy of his counterpart, designated once further proof of the party's confidence in the honorable Cavaye Yeguie Djibril, who has resolutely respected the political programs of the Head of State since he took the reins of the august chamber of the Cameroonian parliament.

The result of his re-election today is 143 votes out of 156 voters and 13 invalid ballots, which clearly shows that the majority of Deputies still believe in the political prowess of its illustrious president, the Right Honorable Cavaye Yeguie Djibril. As a reminder, the President of the National Assembly has climbed all the ranks within the Lower House of Parliament; From Deputy, he became Quaestor then Vice-President and finally President. The First Vice-President of the National Assembly was also re-elected. This is the Honorable Hilarion Etong.

The only change in the Office of the National Assembly is the entry of the Honorable Julien Bara to the position of Secretary of the Office, replacing the late honorable Silikam Isabelle who died on June 23, 2023.


Honorable Saya kaigama, RDPC

« I am satisfied with my re-election, it is a message of support that the Head of State is sending, a confidence in Cameroonian youth, a message which we believe that better days herald. We will tackle what we have always done, addressing the concerns of our populations, these days much more the problems of water and electricity. We are going to evaluate the impact of the import-substitution policy advocated by the Head of State, there is a lot of progress at the level of minepat and minfi, we have the equation to see how to implement this strategy and to see how to involve more young people in the management of public posters ».

Honorable Koupit Adamou, UDC

« We say that it is without when you know how the party that has governed us for 42 years, I think that the challenge falls to the Cameroonian populations. The people must take their responsibilities by registering on the electoral lists in order to give a majority to those who can carry their aspirations for change. When we look at the physical capacity of those who govern us we can wonder if this is not the time. The renewal of the office comes as no surprise since time immemorial, we are accustomed to understanding that what is done at the start of a legislature always has the chance of being renewed until the end of the legislature ».


Clément Noumsi

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