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The Conciliation and Arbitration Chamber of the National Olympic and Sports Committee of Cameroon immediately suspended the technical staff appointed by the Cameroonian Football Federation on May 21, 2024. Fecafoot, through a statement, indicates that the decision of the CCA was made in violation of the law. This suspension reopens the conflict.

The Cameroonian Football Federation, through a statement, deems the decision of the Conciliation and Arbitration Chamber of the National Olympic and Sports Committee of Cameroon illegal. Through a minutes signed on May 21, 2024, the CCA suspended with immediate effect resolution number 01 of the emergency session of Fecafoot on May 8, 2024, which led to the appointment of a new technical staff for the Indomitable Lions by the executive of Fecafoot. The Conciliation Chamber, by taking this courageous decision, responded to a request filed by lawyer Wamba Makollo on May 14, 2024, on behalf of FC 2000X of Mimboman and others (association of amateur clubs in Cameroon), in an extreme urgency conciliation procedure against the Cameroonian Football Federation.

Indeed, by filing this request with the CCA, the applicants at that time understood the consequences of having a double technical staff at the helm of Cameroon's flagship team and would have asked the Federation to suspend this project. But faced with the response of Fecafoot's executive led by President Samuel Eto'o, the applicants resorted to the Conciliation and Arbitration Chamber of the National Olympic and Sports Committee of Cameroon. This body sided with the applicants, demanding the immediate cancellation of the technical staff appointed by Fecafoot.

Fecafoot's response to the CCA.

The Cameroonian Football Federation, in its statement, acknowledges the minutes of non-conciliation number 049/CCA/PVNC/24 and number 050/CCA/PVNC/24 of May 21, 2024, made public by the CCA, regarding the appointment of a new technical, administrative, and medical staff for the Cameroon men's A football team. In the continuation of the statement, Fecafoot reserves the right to transmit these decisions to FIFA, which constitute a hindrance to the preparation process for the upcoming matches of the Indomitable Lions of Cameroon. The emergency committee of Fecafoot will meet without delay to follow up on these acts. This can be read in Fecafoot's statement.

As a reminder, the Indomitable Lions of Cameroon will play against Cape Verde and Angola in June, two qualifying matches for the 2026 World Cup.


J. Patrick DJON

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