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UAR-UNESCO Summit in Yaoundé

The work of the African Broadcasting Union - UNESCO summit ends this Wednesday March 6, 2024 in the Cameroonian capital.

For this third and final day of work, how can we join the revolution without being trapped? The restitution of the work in workshops and three Masters Classes are planned to discuss the opportunities and risks of artificial intelligence. Already on Tuesday March 5, the second day gave rise to various panels of exchanges and discussions to encourage the African media to adapt to this revolution while avoiding pitfalls as much as possible. This morning of Tuesday March 5 was reserved for an excursion to the city of seven hills in order to introduce participants to the rich cultural, artistic and digital potential of the host country. Several presentations allowed participants to explore the issue of artificial intelligence in all its facets. For the CEO of RTI Fausseni Dembélé “we must integrate our realities by developing endogenous technologies, we risk missing out in this new world revolution”. Several debates took place, artificial intelligence on trades and professions, in the production of programs, new tools and solutions of artificial intelligence in the media as well as artificial intelligence and ethics in the media.

At the opening of the proceedings on Monday, the Minister of Communication René Emmanuel Sadi outlined the continent's strengths in this area and his determination not to be left behind. According to his words in his opening speech “...for us Africans, the challenge of artificial intelligence and the media is much more pressing, so we cannot remain indifferent to this innovation.

The media have a fundamental role to play in this context, they must transform themselves and take advantage of this opportunity offered by artificial intelligence but also raise awareness among our populations of the imminent changes that artificial intelligence brings within the framework. of this international summit in Yaoundé. They demonstrate that they understood their roles as social critics but also in defending and promoting African identity. Cameroon, for its part, supports under the leadership of the President of the Republic HE Paul BIYA has already initiated a reflection in the field of artificial intelligence with its development partners. This reflection, which primarily involves Cameroonian youth, invites them to be creative, which is why the work of this summit will be followed with particular attention and will undoubtedly be inspired by the results you achieve in order to enrich their reflection on the challenges of artificial intelligence… »

On the sidelines of this work, there was the official launch of the Alliance-Medias-UAR foundation for the fight against cancer which constitutes a silent killer, a true global scourge.


Clément Noumsi

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