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University cooperation

MINTP receives a Fulrigt specialist from Golden State University in Washington

The Minister of Public Works received yesterday, January 27, 2024, in audience, Professor Luna Magpili, Fulrigth specialist at Golden State University in Washington. This meeting takes place within the framework of scientific, technological and educational cooperation between the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Travaux Publics (ENSTP) and the university institution based in the United States.

The National School of Public Works benefited consecutively, during the academic years 2022/2023 and 2023/2024, from the Fulbrigt Program. Said program is an opportunity offered by the American Department of State and which allows institutions to benefit from the contribution of Fulbrigt specialists and to implement a project whose objectives and activities are determined in a concerted manner by the two institutions. . For the present case, the project submitted by the ENSTP entitled “E-governance, Start-ups and project management” was developed around the Program whose activities consisted of the running of courses and seminars for the second promotion of the Master in Engineering Management.

In addition to the above-mentioned project, the specialist was able to train ENSTP teachers in online pedagogy and didactics, as well as running a few workshops.

Clément Noumsi

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